Titanium anode for electrolytic copper foil

Titanium anode for electrolytic copper foil

Titanium anode for electrolytic copper foil

Titanium anode for electrolytic copper foil

Electrolytic copper foil is made of copper foil by electrolyzing copper sulfate. Due to the strict requirements of product quality and performance, the stability of electrolytic conditions in production is strictly required, and the anode needs to carry a great current. The precious metal coated titanium electrode has a stable pole spacing and a lower energy consumption. At the same time, the titanium anode has the advantage of repeated use after recoating, and can be reused by recoating after the life of the titanium anode reaches the end. In this way, both in terms of energy consumption and anode cost will be greatly saved.


Full Description

Application field:

Metal foil, electrolytic copper foil, galvanized steel plate, cathodic protection, electrosynthesis of organic matter, electroplating chromium, etching fluid regeneration and copper recovery, swirl electrolysis, hydrometallurgy, HHO generator, sewage treatment and other industries


1. High corrosion resistance.

2. High current efficiency. Oxygen evolution overpotential ≤ 1.5v (relative to calomel electrode).

3. Long working life. High electrocatalytic oxidation activity.

4. After the electrode is inactive, the substrate can be reused.

5. Can carry large current density, high production efficiency.

Titanium anode for electrolytic copper foil
Titanium anode for electrolytic copper foil





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The electrolysis process is the process of reducing and depositing dissolved copper ions with an electric current to form a thin metal layer like metal foil on the surface of the cathode titanium drum.The quality of electrolytic copper foil varies greatly depending on the raw material, current density, and additives used for electrolysis. The surface roughness value of the electrolytic copper foil also changes. Why is the roughness of the electrolytic copper foil important? The smoothness and roughness of the electrodeposited copper foil surface have a significant effect (conductor loss) on the adhesion to various substrate materials and the current flowing through the copper foil on printed circuit boards.